Know AML
Know AML
17:30 (BST)
Charles Craddock

Welcome and introductions

  • Meeting objectives
  • Introduction to the speakers
17:35 (BST)
Charles Craddock

What are mutations, and why do they matter in AML?

  • Introduction to mutations and mutation testing
  • The importance of mutations in AML: Diagnosis and personalized treatment decisions
17:45 (BST)
Gail J. RobozRalph Hills

Empowering patients to ask their physician the right questions during their AML journey

  • Patients’ experiences with mutation testing during AML diagnosis and treatment
  • Mutation testing methods: How far have we come?
  • How patients can access testing
  • Making decisions together
18:15 (BST)
Gail J. RobozRalph Hills

Takeaway action points: How can physicians and patients communicate more clearly about mutation testing in AML going forward?

  • The role of the physician
  • The role of the patient
18:25 (BST)
Charles Craddock

Closing remarks

  • Links to credible resources
  • Post-webinar evaluation

Learning objectives

The webinar will focus on achieving the following learning objectives:

  • Increase attendees’ knowledge of the biology of AML and mutations
  • Share knowledge of the diagnostic process and the role of genetics in diagnosis and treatment
  • Identify relevant disease-specific questions for patient–HCP discussions
  • Increase effective patient–HCP communication and shared decision-making

Registration form

Registration is free. Please complete the form and submit to register.

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